[FilterScript] Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate]

LOL, ops, in fast reading i overread the oldkey, i read double newkey check, that was the mistake. XD

Stuun, i do it comparable, it's like that bc we make it that fast.

Anyway, you guys really tested that code? Stop crying, it really won't work that perfect anyway. That oldkey crouch and newkey fire will be called crazy when using c-bug in shooting once, multiple shooting and different crouching.

It will be glitchy and can be improved. Test it by yourself...

Also when pressing other keys you can prevent that that functiong is called. Many many glitches can be found here, lol.

Messages In This Thread
Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:23
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 11:25
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:32
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by ToySoldier - 02.01.2015, 11:51
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:59
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 12:02
AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Flori - 02.01.2015, 12:23
Re: AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Schneider - 02.01.2015, 13:27
Re: AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 13:30
AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Flori - 02.01.2015, 14:56

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