[FilterScript] Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate]

Originally Posted by Flori
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You never tested it or do not even know what "c-bug" is. Am i right?

This can't work!
That function is called when 1. You press c(crouch) + 2. You press fire + 3. You have a c-bug weapon.
Did you actually read his code?
pawn Код:
if(newkeys & KEY_FIRE && oldkeys & KEY_CROUCH && IsCbugWeapon(playerid))
It clearly says: oldkeys & KEY_CROUCH

Messages In This Thread
Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:23
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 11:25
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:32
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by ToySoldier - 02.01.2015, 11:51
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:59
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 12:02
AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Flori - 02.01.2015, 12:23
Re: AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Schneider - 02.01.2015, 13:27
Re: AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 13:30
AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Flori - 02.01.2015, 14:56

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