[FilterScript] Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate]


- Hello.
Here I have an very Simple and Accurate system Anti C-Bug.
This system it's checks if a player press C and Left Mouse Button and if them are having a C-Bug Gun.
If him press on that buttons and it's having C-Bug gun, then it's calling a function.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerMakeCBug(playerid)
    return 1;
Example script:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerMakeCBug(playerid)
    new name[15], string[60];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 15);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "[SERVER]: %s [%d] please stop C-Bug.", name, playerid);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
    return 1;

- Pastebin; [Source Code]

- Solidfiles; [Source Code + AMX file]


pawn Код:
- If you downloaded from Pastebin:

1. Copy all Pastebin code.
2. Put Pastebin code in a .PWN file.
3. Compile file.
4. Put .AMX / .PWN File in "filterscripts" folder.
5. Go in server.cfg and at "filescripts" line put you file name.
6. DONE!

- If you downloaded from Solidfiles:

1. Download pack.
2. Copy AntiCBug.pwn and AntiCBug.amx in you filterscripts folder.
3. Go in server.cfg and at "filescripts" line put: "AntiCBug" without quotes [" "].
4. DONE!

Messages In This Thread
Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:23
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 11:25
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:32
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by ToySoldier - 02.01.2015, 11:51
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by HY - 02.01.2015, 11:59
Re: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 12:02
AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Flori - 02.01.2015, 12:23
Re: AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Schneider - 02.01.2015, 13:27
Re: AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Glossy42O - 02.01.2015, 13:30
AW: Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate] - by Flori - 02.01.2015, 14:56

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