Need Help with onplayerdeath

Hello so today i make new interior for my hospital (interior id 2) i have tested with enter exit pickups and one teleportation command its working and its get my ware i should , the thing is when i dead i get in thos pos but i am start falling ant nothing appear around :
hare is my onplayerdeath
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
	SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2563.9680,-1821.03295,1223.7919);
	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 2);
	SetTimerEx("UnfreezePlayer", 10000, false, "i", playerid);

	//SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
	return 1;
and as i said i have tried this commands to set my at same pos and interior like on player death is works :
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/tele", true) == 0)
			SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2563.9680,-1821.03295,1223.7919);
	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 2);
            return 1;
so after death i am start alling in interior 2 when i reach ground i dead again and then my pos are set to there ware i spawn at start . And i have problem with vehicle to if i dead in vehicle i just get in my spawn pos

Messages In This Thread
Need Help with onplayerdeath - by cyberlord - 28.12.2014, 19:30
Re: Need Help with onplayerdeath - by 1fret - 28.12.2014, 20:28
Re: Need Help with onplayerdeath - by cyberlord - 28.12.2014, 20:32
Re: Need Help with onplayerdeath - by Pasa - 28.12.2014, 20:39
Re: Need Help with onplayerdeath - by cyberlord - 28.12.2014, 21:04
Re: Need Help with onplayerdeath - by Facerafter - 28.12.2014, 21:32
Re: Need Help with onplayerdeath - by Boot - 28.12.2014, 21:55

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