[FilterScript] Cheat detector (health-hack + no-spread)

Hmm, it's not a complete module you add to the server so I didn't add anything like kick. Several things has to be added/adjusted individually before it becomes useful, things such as:
-afk check in health-hack detector
-delayer time in health-hack detector
-number of hits without losing health in health-hack detector
-final action has to be set for both scripts (for example send message to admins, currently it sends message to everyone)

No-spread detector seems to be a reliable in terms of false detections. There shouldn't be any at all so setting auto-kick shouldn't be unfair in any case, but again, check it by yourself.

About the health-hack detector, if I had my own server I'd add a message to admins, then I'd:
1. Adjust delayer by increasing its time in case if there is a huge number of false detections
2. Evaluate if there are false detections by spectating each detected player
3. If 10/10 of the detections were legitimate I'd start to think about making any auto-kick or auto-ban, not the other way around.

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