/i give help

I'm trying to script a command that gives items to another person, but it just won't give the item to the other player.

pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(choice, "give", true, 4))
        //slot amount id
        new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
        new string[128];
        GetPlayerPos(id, x, y, z);
        //if(!IsNumeric(strval(slot))) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Command Usage: /i give [slot] [amount] [playerid]");
        if(!slot) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Command Usage: /i give [slot] [amount] [playerid]");
        if(slot == 1)
            //if(amount > Player[playerid][InventorySlot1Amount] || !amount) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Command Usage: /i give slot [amount] [playerid]");
            //if(id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID || IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Command Usage: /i give slot amount [playerid]");
            if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3, x, y, z))
                if(Player[playerid][InventorySlot1Item] == 1)
                    if(Player[id][InventorySlot1Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot2Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot3Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot4Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot5Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot6Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot7Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot8Item] != 1 ||
                    Player[id][InventorySlot9Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot10Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot11Item] != 1 || Player[id][InventorySlot12Item] != 1)
                        if(Player[id][InventorySlot1Item] == 0)
                            Player[id][InventorySlot1Item] = 1;
                            Player[id][InventorySlot1Amount] += amount;
                            Player[playerid][InventorySlot1Amount] -= amount;
                            format(string, sizeof(string), "You gave %s %i bottle(s) of water.", GetName(id));
                            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
                            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s gave you %i bottle(s) of water.", GetName(playerid));
                            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
                            format(string, sizeof(string), "*%s gave %s %i bottle(s) of water.", GetName(playerid), GetName(id));
                            SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, string, COLOR_LIGHTPURPLE, 10, 7000);
It compiles with no errors, so idk what the problem could be.

Messages In This Thread
/i give help - by DTV - 27.12.2014, 21:08
Re: /i give help - by cyberlord - 27.12.2014, 21:14
Re : /i give help - by MCZOFT - 28.12.2014, 12:01
Re: Re : /i give help - by DTV - 28.12.2014, 20:21

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