y_amx -> amx\asm Include Failure

Download this version of amx assembly https://github.com/Zeex/amx_assembly

after it Go to your Pawno folder and click on includes, find the "amx" folder and past amx_assembly files to the them inside .

Good luck

Messages In This Thread
y_amx -> amx\asm Include Failure - by Kyance - 26.12.2014, 17:12
Re: y_amx -> amx\asm Include Failure - by Kyance - 27.12.2014, 06:22
Re : y_amx -> amx\asm Include Failure - by MCZOFT - 27.12.2014, 10:40
Re: y_amx -> amx\asm Include Failure - by Kyance - 27.12.2014, 11:00

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