Firstname lastname

You can check with strfind where the '_' is.

Then you can use the first letters till the output of strfind for the first name. Same with the lastname.

Messages In This Thread
Firstname lastname - by CalvinC - 25.12.2014, 13:11
AW: Firstname lastname - by Flori - 25.12.2014, 13:19
Re: Firstname lastname - by CalvinC - 25.12.2014, 13:23
AW: Firstname lastname - by Flori - 25.12.2014, 13:38
Re: AW: Firstname lastname - by CalvinC - 25.12.2014, 14:32
AW: Firstname lastname - by Flori - 25.12.2014, 14:42
Re: AW: Firstname lastname - by CalvinC - 25.12.2014, 19:08
Re: Firstname lastname - by CalvinC - 26.12.2014, 17:25
Re: Firstname lastname - by jackx3rx - 26.12.2014, 17:35
Re: Firstname lastname - by MrCallum - 26.12.2014, 17:35

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