[Include] Easy Server Data - Server Information at your fingertips

Originally Posted by Abagail
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@ # 2 - I try to keep the amount of includes needed to a minimum, and keep it simple / straight-forward.

In regards to your next point; things like YSF can change the amount of max players; and therefore GetMaxPlayers won't return the value from the server.cfg file, - thats what this function does. And using format I thought would just be easier since I am formatting a string. Maybe I'll try using strcpy next time.

NOTE: If you wish to host the GetIP page on your own host; just copy the code, and make a PHP page with said code. Then change the link in the include, and you're good to go.
y_hooks itself uses other internal includes of YSI, so you really can't reduce the number of includes required when you're using YSI since it's includes uses internal includes.

YSF changes max player value inside it's memory, I don't think changing maxplayers value on server.cfg while the process is running could change anything. If GetMaxPlayers doesn't return the value after being changed through YSF, then your function isn't useless.

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