Spectate, interrior worlds etc.

The interriors and worls does not seem to be working, even with your solution.
I guess something else is wrong with that. I suppose with the "i" value. Altho spectate works just fine when in same world/interrior, so it cant be the i. It just does not seem to change the interrior and world for the playerid...

Messages In This Thread
Spectate, interrior worlds etc. - by GuitarMan - 22.12.2014, 22:58
Re: Spectate, interrior worlds etc. - by Threshold - 23.12.2014, 02:24
Re: Spectate, interrior worlds etc. - by GuitarMan - 23.12.2014, 07:38
AW: Spectate, interrior worlds etc. - by Flori - 23.12.2014, 08:45
Re: Spectate, interrior worlds etc. - by GuitarMan - 23.12.2014, 13:07

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