A RPG server that intentionally messes everything up now and then?

Im currently still collecting plans for my Van Andreas project. Pretty sure its going to be a classical RPG with extra focus on MMO aspects. Gather loot, level up, learn this, learn that, build your house, try to survive etc. There are some nice things Im planning, but to be honest, most of it wont be a great innovation. While the "isometric-like" gamestyle is actually a nice and important aspect, I dont see a real long-term motivation in this, just like for most RPGs.

The main aspect of the project however still is the Fallout-universe setting. And what does Fallout lives from? A lot of chaos, a lot of destruction, a lot of global threats. Or in general, a story that brings some great changes for character and environment.
And this is actually something Id like to bring to Van Andreas. I know a changing world like this is really difficult to realize in a MMO-like game, because players are unforeseeable. But this "random" behaviour is exactly what Id use.

As in my current game design, it will be possible to greatly change the world in runtime. So I thought about using that to create a player-driven "storyline", either positive or negative.
Pop up a raiderbase here, that keeps on attacking nearby villages. Send out some settlers that then try to build up a peaceful town that might eventually expand to the biggest refuge of the region. Let caravans travel from town to town, delivering important goods that could mean the end of a town if they get raided.
Or even spawn some super evil guy that tries to extinct the whole area - and will actually do so if noone stops him (and thats not limited to AI players, even normal players could make their way up to get the evil world dominator).
Stuff like that would partially be handled by an AI, and partially manually by me or some other "story directors". That way the whole server might develop a very own story, driven by players actions, AIs actions, and randomness. Two independent servers might look completely different after a month.

This might sound cool at first, but theres a major problem for the players. Constant change means constant destruction. Players might build up a small fortress over the course of weeks, that then gets destroyed by some evil army. Characters would (probably) die permanently (eventually bringing stories about some heroes that sacrified themselves to save everyone else ). After all players might get disappointed when their work is destroyed for seemingly no reason (but actually its for a greater cause). The server might even "die out" if theres noone left, and no "source" for new people to come from, the server would either end then, or the story crew finds a way to give humankind another chance

Okay I brought my main points, and dont want to write even more pages, so Ill end this here for now.
Is there anyone who would like a gameplay like this? Or is everyone just playing RPGs to become the one-and-only coolest guy in the town?

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