onplayershootplayer problem

im making a cops and robbers but i have a small issue i made a code that if a player shoots a police they should get wanted and if a cop shoot an innocent player it send a message to the online admins and show a gametext
pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost);
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
    new issuerid;
    new targetid;
    if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && targetid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if(GetPlayerTeam(targetid) == GetPlayerTeam(issuerid))
            new Float:AttackerHP;
            GetPlayerHealth(issuerid, AttackerHP);
            SetPlayerHealth(issuerid, AttackerHP-5.0);
            GameTextForPlayer(issuerid, "~r~Thats your team mate, stop shooting ", 5000, 5);
    new shoter, shotted, shoterid, shottedid, srtin[128];
    if(gTeam[shoter] != TEAM_POLICE)
        if(GetPlayerTeam(shotted) == TEAM_POLICE)
            format(srtin,sizeof(srtin),"[POLICE RADIO] Suspect %s(%d) is wanted for shooting/murdering officer %s(%d) and is Harmed and Dangerours proceed with caution.",shoter,shoterid,shotted,shottedid);
    new rshot, shot, rstring [128], rshotid,  rstring2 [128];
    if(gTeam[shot] == TEAM_POLICE)
        if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(rshot) == 0)
            format(rstring,sizeof(rstring),"%s(%d)'s is not a wanted player.",rshot,rshotid);
            format(rstring2,sizeof(rstring2),"[AUTO DETECT] Officer %s(%d) is shooting a player thats not wanted",shot,shoterid);
    return 1;
Can someone tell me whats the problem in the code none of it work.

Messages In This Thread
onplayershootplayer problem - by 1fret - 19.12.2014, 03:59
Re: onplayershootplayer problem - by xCrazyMonkey - 19.12.2014, 10:37
Re: onplayershootplayer problem - by mahdi499 - 19.12.2014, 10:46
Re: onplayershootplayer problem - by 1fret - 20.12.2014, 00:25
Re: onplayershootplayer problem - by 1fret - 20.12.2014, 14:34
Re: onplayershootplayer problem - by Ryz - 20.12.2014, 14:54

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