[GameMode] [MFE] MeCom's FreeRoam Empire (Unfinished)

[MFE] MeCom's FreeRoam Empire (Unfinished)
Hello Guys i am releasing my unfinished GameMode, unfinished because i scripted this gamemode for my own server since i am not active anymore so there is no point running server without the owner that's why i decided to share my script with you guys, Before getting into details i would like to say that i Copy Pasted Some scripts like /fly command from hanuman FS other 2 script i think but i cant remember coz i started scripting the gamemode before 3 months maybe so if you think i am using your script without crediting you then please send to me a message.

Now lets start :

GameMode Contains

1-Login & Register system
2-Admin System
3-VIP System
4-Helpers System
5-Coins System (No Commands added for coin system)
6-Stunt Maps (All airports Mapped)

How to set yourself admin

Step 1: Start the game
Step 2: Login As Rcon (/rcon login "your rcon password&quot Without ""
Step 3: Type in /setlevel (player id) (admin level) Maximum level is "7"

Same thing with VIP only change step 3 to:
Type in /setvip (player id) (vip level) Maximum level is "1"

Admin Commands

1-Rcon Admin: /Setlevel /setvip
2-Admin Level 1: /equip /clearchat /announce /mute /unmute /reports /areport /a /countd .
3-Admin Level 2: /get /dreport /eject /disarm /freeze /unfreeze
4-Admin Level 3: /kick /slap /cage /uncage /explode /heal /settime /setweather /jail
5-Admin Level 4: /unjail /sethealth /setarmour /setint /setworld /slapall /explodeall /giveallweapon
6-Admin Level 5: /ban /setscore /port /getall /spawnall
7-Admin Level 6: /unban /invisible /write /fakechat /healall /armourall
8-Admin Level 7: /setmoney /sethelper

(VIP) Very Important Player Commands

1-VIP: /neon /vsay /cart /vannounce /siren /scolor /fly /pship /ballon

Helpers Commands

1-Helpers: /hsay /hwarn /hkick /hmute /hunmute

Normal Players Commands

1-List 1: /help /vcolor /refresh /gmon /gmoff /admins /go /skin /report /pm /r /time /weather /v /repair /w /kill
2-List 2: /stats /fullinfo /rules /tp /sdm /saveskin /useskin /dontuseskin /fstyle /color /lsa /sfa /lva /aa /ls /sf /lv
3-List 3: /cj /arch /tf /loco /cmds

InGame Screenshots


1-MFE Full Package CLICK HERE

2-Pastebin CLICK HERE

I recommend to download full package

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