Originally Posted by Namer
just quick example! now you have to set that when you start earthquake set there "
pawn Код:
new EarthQuake; // define this at top where you have other variables CMD:stearth(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { if(EarthQuake == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{00CC00}[SUCCESS]: You have stopped the earthquake."); DestroyObject(playerid); EarthQuake = 0; SetPlayerDrunkLevel(playerid, 0); StopAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}ERROR: No earthquake going on now."); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Only rcon admins can use this command!"); return 1; }
works perfectly
1 prob
after i stop the earthquake if i use /earthquake again i crash and the object won't dissapear