Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath

im Having a Problem With Creating Gift Box's OnPlayerDeath.
ok im creating pickups onplayerdeath the first pickup works correect.

when i kill a guy a pickup appears on his location where he died. and i can pick it..

[PROBLEM]: when i kill a guy a Pickup Appears On His Location Where he Died. and im leaving his pickup im not picking it. and when i kill a guy again both pickups got bugged. both can't be picked


On Top
PHP код:
new GiftPickup[MAX_PLAYERS]; 
Under OnPlayerDeath( ... )
PHP код:
new Float:XFloat:YFloat:Z;
GiftPickup[playerid] = CreatePickup(19054,8,X,Y,Z0); 
PHP код:
Under OnPlayerPickupPickup( ... )
pickupid == GiftPickup[playerid])
//merry xmas


Messages In This Thread
Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by danish007 - 14.12.2014, 19:36
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by MD5 - 14.12.2014, 19:38
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by danish007 - 14.12.2014, 19:41
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by danish007 - 14.12.2014, 19:58
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by mahdi499 - 14.12.2014, 20:21
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by danish007 - 14.12.2014, 20:34
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by danish007 - 15.12.2014, 06:16
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by Divergent - 15.12.2014, 06:20
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by rickisme - 15.12.2014, 06:37
Re: Create Gift Pickups OnPlayerDeath - by Threshold - 15.12.2014, 07:29

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