Getting every vehicle price with a function or...

So I bassicly have a dealership where I can buy vehicles from.
I already have each vehicle category sorted and the vehicles inside that category.

Now I have a question, I know I can bassicly do a dialog response for each vehicle to take the price but that'll just take too LONG and just flood the script itself, which would make it quite ugly.

I am wondering if it possible to create a function that'd do the work for me in acouple of lines instead of doing like at-least 200+ lines for everything with responses, defines, etc.

Messages In This Thread
Getting every vehicle price with a function or... - by Ox1gEN - 14.12.2014, 18:13
Re: Getting every vehicle price with a function or... - by mirou123 - 14.12.2014, 18:17
Re: Getting every vehicle price with a function or... - by Ox1gEN - 14.12.2014, 18:19
Re: Getting every vehicle price with a function or... - by Mic_H - 14.12.2014, 18:57
Re: Getting every vehicle price with a function or... - by Clad - 14.12.2014, 18:57
Re: Getting every vehicle price with a function or... - by Ox1gEN - 15.12.2014, 11:14

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