14.12.2014, 06:45
Create 1 table like this.
PlayerName, CostumeIndex, CostumeSlot, bone, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, px, py, pz
Then just use the right queries.
Get a specific costume
SELECT * FROM `CostumeData` WHERE `PlayerName` = '%s' AND `CostumeIndex` = index
Get all unique costumes
SELECT DISTINCT `CostumeIndex` FROM `CostumeData` WHERE `PlayerName` = '%s'
PlayerName, CostumeIndex, CostumeSlot, bone, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, px, py, pz
Then just use the right queries.
Get a specific costume
SELECT * FROM `CostumeData` WHERE `PlayerName` = '%s' AND `CostumeIndex` = index
Get all unique costumes
SELECT DISTINCT `CostumeIndex` FROM `CostumeData` WHERE `PlayerName` = '%s'