11.12.2014, 16:11
Alright, this is how I update my vehicles fuel: (It's inside a timer).
Obviously it's just a little piece, but you'll know how to implement it in your code.
Edit: My fuelsystem is based on the Metric System (kilometers/liters). I don't know if it works right for Miles/gallon
Obviously it's just a little piece, but you'll know how to implement it in your code.
pawn Код:
new Float:consumption, Float:distance;
if((X != lastX) || (Y != lastY)|| (Z != lastZ)) //Check if player has moved
distance = floatround(floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(X,lastX)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(Y,lastY)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(Z,lastZ)),2)));
distance = distance / 50;
consumption = floatdiv(distance, VehicleInfo[vehicleID][FuelConsumption]); //devide the distance with its distance/liter
VehicleInfo[vehicleID][Fuel] = floatsub(VehicleInfo[vehicleID][Fuel], consumption);
LastX = X;
LastY = Y;
LastZ = Z;