
Originally Posted by James Coral
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Harold, my question was about Virtual Machines where i can put server on it to run, the good thing for Virtual Machine (Server )is that its hard to DDOS because it uses its own IPv4 Address

Softwares i was talking about VIRTUALBOX,WMware,Hyper-v?
The only difference between a virtual server and a physical one is that its virtual. You can still attack the virtual network interfaces and the server applications running on the virtual server in exactly the same way. The attacker really doesnt care if its a virtual or physical one, and usually he doesnt even know.

Having an own ipv4 address doesnt change a thing. Also, you wont just get a "free new address" when virtualizing an OS, you have to assign it to the virtual server, and therefore your phyiscal server also has to be accessible via that IP, else he couldnt forward it to the vps.

Messages In This Thread
Virtualization?? - by James Coral - 05.12.2014, 16:30
Re: Virtualization?? - by Smithy - 05.12.2014, 16:36
Re: Virtualization?? - by James Coral - 05.12.2014, 16:39
Re: Virtualization?? - by Dairyll - 05.12.2014, 16:52
Re: Virtualization?? - by GWMPT - 05.12.2014, 17:19
Re: Virtualization?? - by James Coral - 05.12.2014, 17:23
Re: Virtualization?? - by Smithy - 05.12.2014, 17:44
Re: Virtualization?? - by Mauzen - 05.12.2014, 17:50
Re: Virtualization?? - by KingHual - 05.12.2014, 17:59
Re: Virtualization?? - by kaisersouse - 05.12.2014, 18:18

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