Clone HDD?

You're still using HDD's, I guess spending 400 (Ј, my currency. Don't know how much it would be for you) On a total of three 320GB SSD's was worth it for me, and a 4TB hard for me does it. I really suggest you get a High Capacity SSD 500gb or so, they're pretty cheap to what they were a year or so ago. But if you need to space get a HDD (cheaper, but slower), this really dones depend on your budget, But on-topic as Landon said CloneZilla is a good choice (Regardless that i've only used it once).

Messages In This Thread
Clone HDD? - by davve95 - 04.12.2014, 19:00
Re: Clone HDD? - by Tom1412 - 04.12.2014, 19:04
Re: Clone HDD? - by Landon - 05.12.2014, 14:43
Re: Clone HDD? - by zT KiNgKoNg - 05.12.2014, 14:48
Re: Clone HDD? - by kaisersouse - 05.12.2014, 16:23

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