Viewing past reports.

Howdy, well let me get straight into it, I am trying to create a viewing your past reports command I've figured it out then I've thought of someone what I am doing is.
pawn Код:
    if(!Logged[playerid]) return 0;
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
        new string[320];
        foreach(new i : Player)
            if(PlayerInfo[i][Pending] == 1)
                format(string,sizeof(string),"Pending Report - %s(%i)",sendername(i),i);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_PENDING,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Pending Assistance/Reports",string,"Close","");
    return 1;
In this code it will only format one player, means only one report. Do I need to create an array that has around 10 player ids(average max reports) or is there any other way?

Hope you understood, thanks.

Messages In This Thread
Viewing past reports. - by DaniceMcHarley - 05.12.2014, 07:25
Re: Viewing past reports. - by xCrazyMonkey - 05.12.2014, 07:46
Re: Viewing past reports. - by Kyance - 05.12.2014, 15:38
Re: Viewing past reports. - by DaniceMcHarley - 05.12.2014, 18:40

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