How to..

In OnPlayerConnect.
And that callback somewhere:
forward paytime(playerid);
public paytime(playerid)
	//Code for player every one hour.

Messages In This Thread
How to.. - by dundolina - 04.12.2014, 20:28
Re: How to.. - by AIped - 04.12.2014, 20:33
Re: How to.. - by UltraScripter - 04.12.2014, 20:33
Re: How to.. - by dundolina - 04.12.2014, 21:02
Re: How to.. - by Raweresh - 04.12.2014, 21:08
Re: How to.. - by dundolina - 04.12.2014, 21:12
Re: How to.. - by Raweresh - 04.12.2014, 21:16
Re: How to.. - by dundolina - 04.12.2014, 21:44
Re: How to.. - by Raweresh - 04.12.2014, 22:10
Re: How to.. - by dundolina - 04.12.2014, 22:15

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