Problem with SAMP

well i have a problem with my server where people can join my server but its a problem where they crash out of my server what can i do to fix that after i fixed the ping settings to its highest setting

Messages In This Thread
Problem with SAMP - by Pasyaarizaldy - 27.11.2014, 15:24
Re: Problem with SAMP - by Dziugsas - 27.11.2014, 20:41
Re: Problem with SAMP - by boy - 30.11.2014, 14:35
Re: Problem with SAMP - by Diabloa - 30.11.2014, 14:41
Re: Problem with SAMP - by Ahammad - 04.12.2014, 18:22
Re: Problem with SAMP - by Ahammad - 04.12.2014, 18:24
Re: Problem with SAMP - by lino_deleon - 04.12.2014, 18:26
Re: Problem with SAMP - by FrankoRyan - 04.12.2014, 18:29
Re: Problem with SAMP - by lino_deleon - 04.12.2014, 18:38
Re: Problem with SAMP - by FrankoRyan - 04.12.2014, 21:12

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