Terrible FPS drops in samp servers

Hi everyone. As the title says I'm experiencing the most awful problem realted to videogames: goddamn fps drops. I have a nVidia GeForce 610m, and i was always able to run SA:MP at fullsettings with a medium FPS that went always around 100. But now when I play on a server I can't get more that 20 FPS, and when I'm near other players, shit gets even worse: 10 or 15 FPS. Althought when i join an empty server I can easily get 100+ fps also in the laggiest parts of the map. I've tried everything: updating drivers and rolling back to previous versions, edited everything from the nvidia control panel to get max performance, disabled antialias and stuff from GTA:SA menu, but the probem is still there. I really don't know why is this happening, and if you have any solution/suggestion I'll be glad to try it.

Messages In This Thread
Terrible FPS drops in samp servers - by Vicetone - 02.12.2014, 17:52
Respuesta: Terrible FPS drops in samp servers - by jotajeda - 02.12.2014, 20:16
Re: Terrible FPS drops in samp servers - by Diabloa - 02.12.2014, 20:20
Re: Terrible FPS drops in samp servers - by boy - 02.12.2014, 20:49
Re: Terrible FPS drops in samp servers - by Krest - 02.12.2014, 20:49
Re: Terrible FPS drops in samp servers - by Zex Tan - 02.12.2014, 21:32
Re: Terrible FPS drops in samp servers - by Vicetone - 02.12.2014, 21:49

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