[FilterScript] Analog Clock

This is something I thought of a while ago but never got around to doing it until tonight it is a analog clock you can create multiple ones if you choose to as well another neat feature is you can set the z-rotation to anything you want and the hands will still update.


pawn Код:
CreateClock(Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz, Float:cangle)
This requires the streamer for the static objects.
Texture Studio was used to create the clock of course.


Messages In This Thread
Analog Clock - by Pottus - 02.12.2014, 09:40
Re: Analog Clock - by Alex Magaсa - 02.12.2014, 09:51
Re: Analog Clock - by UltraScripter - 02.12.2014, 11:58
Re: Analog Clock - by XtremeR - 02.12.2014, 15:56
Re: Analog Clock - by M0HAMMAD - 02.12.2014, 17:37
Re: Analog Clock - by iReacheR - 02.12.2014, 19:16
AW: Analog Clock - by Flori - 02.12.2014, 19:34
Re: Analog Clock - by Pottus - 02.12.2014, 21:50
Re: Analog Clock - by _Application_ - 02.12.2014, 22:41
Re: Analog Clock - by Abagail - 02.12.2014, 22:53

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