02.12.2014, 02:16
Entгo tem algo errado, verifica se tem o return 0 depois que o hacker й detectado, verifica tbm se hб kick/ban antes do return 0;
@edit: posta seu codigo ai pra eu dar uma olhada... |
public OnPlayerWeaponShot( playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ ) { if( hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_NONE ) // Bullet Crashing uses just this hittype { if( !( -1000.0 <= fX <= 1000.0 ) || !( -1000.0 <= fY <= 1000.0 ) || !( -1000.0 <= fZ <= 1000.0 ) ) // a valid offset, it's impossible that a offset bigger than 1000 is legit (also less than -1000.0 is impossible, not used by this hack, but still, let's check for it, just for the future, who knows what hacks will appear). The object with biggest offset is having ~700-800 radius. { new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string), "admCMD: %s foi kickado pelo Admin Bot | Motivo: Mod Travar Tela.", Nome(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_KICK, string); SendClientMessage(playerid,ERRO,"Mod ilegal detectado."); Ban(playerid); return 0; // let's desynchronize that bullet, so players won't crash } } return 1; }