01.12.2014, 13:33
[13:01:48] plugin.bcrypt v2.2.3 was loaded. [13:01:48] plugin.bcrypt: 5 cores detected, 4 threads will be used. [13:01:48] Loaded. [13:01:49] plugin.bcrypt: A new revision is available: [13:01:49] plugin.bcrypt: Current version: 2.2.2 [13:01:49] plugin.bcrypt: Latest version: 2.2.3 [13:01:49] plugin.bcrypt: Download: http://api.ls-rcr.com/bcrypt/?upgrade [13:01:49] plugin.bcrypt: Upgrading is recommended. |
it continues to say that there is a new version although it say above that it loaded version 2.2.3
Yes with password_verify($input, $hashed_password_from_db);