[Tutorial] Howto make anti weapon finder/detector

Hello guyz today im here to teach you how to make an simple weapon detecter
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
and 3 defined items
new weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);
                        new Nam[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                        new str[128];
Ok everyone under OnPlayerUpdate if you want to add a bad list weapon just add this
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
            new weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);//This will cause the "weaponid not defined" Error
                new Nam[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                new str[128];
            if(weaponid == 16) // The weapon ID
            format(str,sizeof(str),"ANTI WEAPON HACK: %s has been banned from server for spawning a bad weapon!",Nam);
            BanEx(playerid,"ANTI WEAPON HACK: Weapon Hack!");
            return 1;
so the code above will just ban the player, cause you may have some specified weapons in your server like ur server has sawnoff only,,,so people may dont like sawn off they may like gernade so they will get ban if they spawn something like that
if(weaponid == 16) // The weapon ID
//The number i add 16 is for gernade :p you can make plenty of lines and you can change the number if you want to so that people cant get the weapon reach them,,,if it reached them the player is banned >:D

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
            new weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);//This ...!will cause the "weaponid not defined" Error
                new Nam[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                new str[128];
            if(weaponid == 16) // The weapon ID
            format(str,sizeof(str),"ANTI WEAPON HACK: %s has been banned from server for spawning a bad weapon!",Nam);
            SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF,str);// Sends message to everyone
            BanEx(playerid,"ANTI WEAPON HACK: Weapon Hack!");
//make another line
            if(weaponid == WEAPONID) // The weapon ID
            format(str,sizeof(str),"ANTI WEAPON HACK: %s has been banned from server for spawning a bad weapon!",Nam);
            SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF,str);// Sends message to everyone
            BanEx(playerid,"ANTI WEAPON HACK: Weapon Hack!");
                        return 1;
if(weaponid == WEAPONID)
Dont get confused when you watched the weapon id just replace it with weapon id...!

Messages In This Thread
Howto make anti weapon finder/detector - by Trollerz - 30.11.2014, 03:25
Re: Howto make anti weapon finder/detector - by Glossy42O - 30.11.2014, 03:43
Re: Howto make anti weapon finder/detector - by n0minal - 30.11.2014, 04:04
Re: Howto make anti weapon finder/detector - by sammp - 30.11.2014, 16:49

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