[Pedido] ID de um Objeto

Usa texture studio: Link


/avmodcar - Mod a car it will teleport the vehicle to the correct mod garage if modable
/avsetspawn - Set the spawn position of a vehicle
/avnewcar - Create a new car
/avdeletecar - Delete an unwanted car
/avcarcolor - Set vehicle car color
/avpaint - Set a vehicles paintjob
/avattach - Attach currently selected object to currently selected vehicle
/avdetach - Detach currently selected object from vehicle
/avsel - Select a vehicle to edit
/avexport - Export a car to filterscript
/avexportall - Export all cars to filterscript
/avox - /avoy - /avoz - Standard vehicle object movement commands
/avrx - /avry - /avrz - Standard vehicle object rotation commands
/avmirror - Mirror an object attached to a vehicle
(Special note: using /editobject on an attached object will edit the object on the vehicle)


Messages In This Thread
ID de um Objeto - by Learning - 28.11.2014, 00:56
Re: ID de um Objeto - by _Play_ - 28.11.2014, 01:16
Re: ID de um Objeto - by Learning - 28.11.2014, 12:38
Re: ID de um Objeto - by focaximubh - 28.11.2014, 14:50
Re: ID de um Objeto - by Learning - 28.11.2014, 14:58
Re: ID de um Objeto - by silenthill - 28.11.2014, 16:05
Re: ID de um Objeto - by n0minal - 28.11.2014, 16:19
Re: ID de um Objeto - by Learning - 28.11.2014, 16:36

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