mysql.dll x64? and problem compiling

Copy MSVCP110.dll (in System32) on the PC that works, and paste it into the System32 where it didn't work. That's what fixed it for me between Windows 8.1 and Windows 2012 Server

Messages In This Thread
mysql.dll x64? and problem compiling - by Juand - 23.11.2014, 19:39
Respuesta: mysql.dll x64? and problem compiling - by Juand - 24.11.2014, 22:50
Re: mysql.dll x64? and problem compiling - by AlphaPac - 24.11.2014, 23:29
Re : mysql.dll x64? and problem compiling - by MCZOFT - 25.11.2014, 01:37
Re: mysql.dll x64? and problem compiling - by AnthonyTimmers - 25.11.2014, 23:07

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