Uneccesary bracket or dosent end

Hey ive got a small problem that i cant figgure out. In this system the last bracket seems to not end the whole code section. Any sollutions? The bracket that dosent match or is uneseccary is marked red, sorry my bad english for now, have sleept bad. Cheers

	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_GARAGES; i++)
	  		if(!strcmp(name, GarageInfo[i][gOwner], false))
	   		    if(gcheck != INVALID_GARAGE_ID)
	   		        gcheck = i;
		if(gcheck != INVALID_GARAGE_ID)
     		PlayerInfo[playerid][pPgaragekey] = gcheck;
		for(new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESSES; i++)
	  		if(!strcmp(name, BizzInfo[i][bOwner], false))
	   		    if(bcheck != INVALID_BIZZ_ID)
	   		        bcheck = i;
		if(gcheck != INVALID_GARAGE_ID)
     		PlayerInfo[playerid][pPgaragekey] = gcheck;
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Uneccesary bracket or dosent end - by eclipses - 09.11.2014, 15:04
Re: Uneccesary bracket or dosent end - by dazman14 - 09.11.2014, 15:11
Re: Uneccesary bracket or dosent end - by eclipses - 09.11.2014, 15:18
Re: Uneccesary bracket or dosent end - by dazman14 - 09.11.2014, 15:23
Re: Uneccesary bracket or dosent end - by eclipses - 09.11.2014, 15:39

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