Checkpoint problem (Unable to disable and set new)

Originally Posted by CNMike
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What I noticed is you don't have prints where you actually disable or set the next checkpoint. I would put prints there, because if the print gets called it is a problem with the way you are using the Checkpoints, if they don't get called then their is a problem with either your if statements or your variables.
I'll find that you're also Incorrect, as you can see above the code that sets the checkpoints position (after disabling it) and above the 'IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint' there is actually and print, and that works fine. So frankly I don't know what the hell you're on about.

And even if i put a print before, after or in the middle of Disable and Set lines it'll still print whats in that function as its actually the two lines there that aren't working.

Edit: But being the complete idiot that i am, may have actually missed something
Edit Two: Nevermind the edit above, still the issue is persistant.

Messages In This Thread
Checkpoint problem (Unable to disable and set new) - by zT KiNgKoNg - 06.11.2014, 20:07
Re: Checkpoint problem (Unable to disable and set new) - by CNMike - 06.11.2014, 20:14
Re: Checkpoint problem (Unable to disable and set new) - by zT KiNgKoNg - 06.11.2014, 20:16
Re: Checkpoint problem (Unable to disable and set new) - by CNMike - 06.11.2014, 20:27

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