error complie

You need to read up on strtok on the wiki, and search for ret_mempcy while you're at it.

They're both undefined yet your script uses them, and that's what the error is saying.

The parameters are also not being indexed, but chances are by fixing strtok, those errors should also disappear.

Messages In This Thread
error complie - by acforcenon1 - 05.11.2014, 23:19
Re: error complie - by Sew_Sumi - 06.11.2014, 01:44
Re: error complie - by acforcenon1 - 06.11.2014, 09:33
Respuesta: error complie - by !R1Ch@rD! - 06.11.2014, 14:08
Re: error complie - by acforcenon1 - 06.11.2014, 16:03
Re: error complie - by Djean - 06.11.2014, 18:17
Re: error complie - by acforcenon1 - 06.11.2014, 19:08
Re: Respuesta: error complie - by Sew_Sumi - 06.11.2014, 21:44
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: error complie - by !R1Ch@rD! - 07.11.2014, 00:57
Re: error complie - by acforcenon1 - 07.11.2014, 09:30

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