Angle of gate won't move

Repost your code I know you will have issues with this...

MoveDynamicObject(GateInfo[gate][gModel], GateInfo[gate][gX], GateInfo[gate][gY], GateInfo[gate][gZ], GateInfo[gate][gRX], GateInfo[gate][gRY], GateInfo[gate][gRZ]-90, 7.0);

You don't need -90 since it has to move to it's return position.

Messages In This Thread
Angle of gate won't move - by sammp - 04.11.2014, 20:46
Re: Angle of gate won't move - by Vince - 04.11.2014, 20:59
Re: Angle of gate won't move - by sammp - 04.11.2014, 21:00
Re: Angle of gate won't move - by sammp - 04.11.2014, 21:05
Re: Angle of gate won't move - by Pottus - 04.11.2014, 21:14
Re: Angle of gate won't move - by sammp - 05.11.2014, 14:53

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