[FilterScript] Vehicle Damage Indicator

Well hello there,


Actually, I didn't come up with this idea, a few months(yea months, got alot of other stuff to do so can't code samp that often :/ ) ago I was playing SA-MP with one of my IRL friends, and he asked me if I could make this.
Now I can tell you alot more about how this went etc etc, but basically I told him it'd be pretty hard to make, I still managed to make it, with some help of [HLF]SouthClaw, helping me to understand the binary - (hexa)decimal conversion in samp and some other stuff related to that, thanks .

Anyway, for the ones who don't understand what this "Vehicle Damage Indicator" is, take a look at this.

Checkout the black-green square below the orange trash in the right top corner ;P
(I so love this game btw )

SA-MP Version(unfortunately wasn't able to get the tires popped as it's localhost, but it should work fine, if not, swing me a PM) :
(dont mind the speedometer behind it, it's a local cleo mod, it won't be displayed on your's )



this filterscript requires foreach, download it here

SouthClaw -> Helping me out alot with the decoding stuff and explaining the binary stuff to me, Thanks
****** -> foreach

For any questions please post it here, if you find any bugs please post it here too, if it's a critical bug, swing me a PM.


PS: typed this really fast as I don't have much time at the moment, my apologies for any grammar mistakes/typos, or if anything is unexplained, I left alot of comments in the code itself tho.

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle Damage Indicator - by Smileys - 03.11.2014, 19:00
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by Rudy_ - 04.11.2014, 06:09
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by Demogorgon666 - 04.11.2014, 06:33
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by Lordzy - 04.11.2014, 07:20
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by Smileys - 04.11.2014, 07:31
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by M0HAMMAD - 04.11.2014, 07:52
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by Smileys - 04.11.2014, 08:01
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by GamingPro - 06.11.2014, 23:57
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by fonia5 - 07.11.2014, 03:43
Re: Vehicle Damage Indicator - by NeGaTiveZ - 08.11.2014, 07:28

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