Back to scripting

Hey guys, some of you might remember me, some might not. I bet no one remembers me xD. Anyways, I was so bored today, I opened pawno and tried to remember some things, so I started scripting a bit. I knew how to do some basic stuff, and those bit-complicated things.
Anyways, I was kidding around and I made a command that worked without an error, from my first attempt in a year.. xD

PHP код:
GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 1000) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED"[ERROR]{FFFFFF}Niggabitch, gather that fucking money and unrek the server...");
isgood[playerid] == 1SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED"[ERROR]{FFFFFF}You is good, you need to rek the server now..");
isgood[playerid] = 1;
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -1000);
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_BLUE"You have successfully #unrekt the server. You may rek server by typing /rekeverything");
alreadyrekt[playerid] = 0;
alreadyrekt[playerid] == 1SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED,"[ERROR]{FFFFFF}You already rekt the server...");
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_AQUA"You have successfully #rekt the server. You may now unrek by typing /unrekeverything");
alreadyrekt[playerid] = 1;
isgood[playerid] = 0;

If we scaled hardness of scripting commands from 1 / 10
I'd like someone of you guys to give me a task that would be hard like 3.5/10 in scripting of course.

Messages In This Thread
Back to scripting - by Bek_Loking - 01.11.2014, 20:07
Re: Back to scripting - by Blademaster680 - 01.11.2014, 21:24

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