Showing a certain dialog after responding to a dialog

Originally Posted by dionisak0s
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I think I wrongly forget to write the switch cases, I want it to be like
pawn Код:
case 0:
    if(rank 1)
    else if(rank 2)
That's what I meant, I just forget to put the the switch cases.
That wouldn't work anyway, you need to use your predefined enumerators/variables that you're using to store ranks, example:

pawn Код:
switch(dialogid) // this is not necessary, but I use it sometimes
    case SOME_DIALOG:
        if(!response) return 1; // if there is no response (esc or button 2), dialog stops here
        switch(listitem) // switching through the items on the dialog
            case 0: // first item on the dialog is here
                if(/*variable here, example:*/pRank[playerid] == 1) // notice that "Rank 1" will just return the error of undefined symbol 'Rank' and expected zero or something along those lines
                    ShowPlayerDialog(etc. etc. etc.);
                else if(/*variable here, example:*/pRank[playerid] == 2) // as above
                    ShowPlayerDialog(etc. etc. etc.);
    return 1;

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