[Tutorial] Want to load your server objects from MySQL?

Originally Posted by Rudy_
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What have you explained here? It's more like Copy this and paste that.
There is absolutely nothing to explain. This tutorial isn't aimed at newbies so I assume you know what those functions does. If you don't, then go read tutorials. This tutorial shows how to load server objects from MySQL. It's not a tutorial to explain functions.

Btw I'm adding credits soon.

Messages In This Thread
Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by Capua - 31.10.2014, 21:20
Re: Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by Rudy_ - 01.11.2014, 05:52
Re: Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by Capua - 01.11.2014, 12:43
Re: Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by JacobEdwards - 01.11.2014, 20:59
Re: Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by Vince - 01.11.2014, 22:47
Re: Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by Glossy42O - 02.11.2014, 04:12
Re: Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by Rudy_ - 02.11.2014, 05:48
Re: Want to load your server objects from MySQL? - by Ryz - 02.11.2014, 13:16

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