What it's wrong with this ?

Originally Posted by dominik523
Посмотреть сообщение
if(sscanf(params,"i", ID, GUN, AMMO)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FF0000}AdmUsage: {15FF00}/GiveWeapon [ID] [Gun ID/Part Of Name] [Ammo]");
You need to get 3 variables out of params, and you only took 1.
if(sscanf(params,"iii", ID, GUN, AMMO)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FF0000}AdmUsage: {15FF00}/GiveWeapon [ID] [Gun ID/Part Of Name] [Ammo]");
Thank you for help. + Rep.

Messages In This Thread
What it's wrong with this ? - by HY - 01.11.2014, 11:11
Re: What it's wrong with this ? - by dominik523 - 01.11.2014, 11:13
Re: What it's wrong with this ? - by HY - 01.11.2014, 11:15
Re: What it's wrong with this ? - by Banana_Ghost - 01.11.2014, 11:17

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