Originally Posted by rockhopper
Guyz now a days as time is passing so many new tech is coming .. like flying stuff and etc flying cars and all that So has anyone thought abt a server in which there will be a whole new world I mean NO Ls , LV , SF .. A Self made map which is modern like flying cars , telepathy etc So what would it be if it were like this How would the experience feel like plus What do you think is this stuff Possible ?
SAMP , Most of the players are Now server owners or learning Pawn to create their own Servers, Which decreases the playerbase (Who only plays samp servers) , And second thing is that No one (Most of them) tries to Create something Very unique which requires alot of hard working and time, Because imho, It's just a luck to get a good playerbase. Some servers get great players and some which are imo very Awesome are left Empty, So no one actually tries something like that which takes alot of time.