Basing a boolean function on MySQL data

Originally Posted by Kikito
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A little example[Not totally sure if this is correct or not, I don't script PAWN for ages]
pawn Код:
forward Query_IPBanned();

stock CheckBan(ban[]) {
    new query[128], ip[16]; // IPV4 max size is 15 chars, so 16chars with the null('\0') in the end, IPV6 is not supported yet on SA-MP
    mysql_real_escape_string(ban, ip);
    mysql_format(connection_handle, query, 128, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bans` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", ip);
    mysql_pquery(connection_handle, query, "Query_IPBanned");

public Query_IPBanned() {
    new count = cache_get_row_int(0,0); // get the row 0, field 0, which contains the output of COUNT.
    if(count >= 1) {
         // ip banned
    } else {
         // ip not banned
By the way, change the "COUNT(*)" for "COUNT(<primary key>)"

I hope this helps you out!
Perhaps I wasn't clear-..

I need to use checkban in order to check if someone is banned and return the answer.

If adding a ban will require the BanCheck to be false (ban doesn't exist) and make a ban I'll need CheckBan to return a value based on the existance of that IP on the bans table.

But in order to get the result of the check, I will have to process it on the OnQueryFinish callback which will do no good because I need 'CheckBan' to return a value-..

long story short: I need to check if the IP exists on the 'bans' table without referring the action to OnQueryFinish.

Messages In This Thread
Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by Partner - 30.10.2014, 22:07
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by Djole1337 - 30.10.2014, 22:13
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by GWMPT - 30.10.2014, 22:21
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by Partner - 31.10.2014, 08:02
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by Partner - 31.10.2014, 09:09
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by GWMPT - 31.10.2014, 11:02
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by Vince - 31.10.2014, 11:10
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by Partner - 31.10.2014, 11:17
Re: Basing a boolean function on MySQL data - by GWMPT - 31.10.2014, 11:19

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