Fallout 1/2 gameplay clone - Proof of concept

I often rant about people trying to make SA-MP a completely different game that isnt GTA anymore. So I created a script for turn-based, passive 3rd person gameplay.

Ive done a lot of messy stuff, but this one definitely tops it all by means of getting away from GTA gameplay.

This one is pretty close to all the oldschool isometric tactical games. People with some oldschool experience might notice that the interface is pretty much a clone of the Fallout 1 interface (at least as good as I got it with SAMP methods). Though most of the interface buttons are non-functioning fakes yet, only the weapon part really works.

So what is it?
Instead of controlling your character directly with your mouse and keyboard, you give orders to it. Here, you got a free 3 dimensional camera that is controlled with the common movement keys, and with the mouse you control a cursor that is used for giving these orders (e.g. tell the character where to move, or what to attack). The mouse is multifunctional, depending on what kind of thing youre selecting. Alternatively you can switch to the interface mode and use the mouse to interact with the interface. The cursor looks stuttery in the video because it is actually bound to a 1x1m grid, as using a grid makes several things a lot easier.
Combats with other players would be fought in turns, so players play one by one, while they got a certain amount of points for actions in each turn.
Direct character controls are completely disabled.

However, its just a proof of concept right now. I got that idea when jremi asked for suggestions for a fallout based server (so thanks to him for actually causing me to think about this). It was rather meant as a joke when I suggested turn-based fights, but that idea somehow got me interested afterwards, so I had to try it. Right now Ive got no idea if Ill make anything out of this. I got concepts for most of the stuff needed for a full server with this, so I actually could bring this online. But as with many others of my projects I really dont know if ill ever bring this far enough, though I really like the gameplay

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