25.10.2014, 02:01
Последний раз редактировалось Pottus; 25.10.2014 в 04:51.
Someone probably has a better way to do this than me but I will try and come up with an idea for you.
Main variables
distance - Distance of object to move
height - Height of object to attain
numframes - Number of frames in sequence
angle - Angle of origin
origin-x - Origin position
origin-y - Origin position
origin-z - Origin position
Calculating x/y/z positions
dist = distance / numframes
I will give you a test script to make sure that worked as expected. There is probably a better way to do this but I will admit I'm actually terrible at trig.
Ok here we go sorry about that
Result your moveobject frames
Okay now that code seems to work you will need to create a frame generator / playback function I will give the function definitions but no code
Main variables
distance - Distance of object to move
height - Height of object to attain
numframes - Number of frames in sequence
angle - Angle of origin
origin-x - Origin position
origin-y - Origin position
origin-z - Origin position
Calculating x/y/z positions
dist = distance / numframes
I will give you a test script to make sure that worked as expected. There is probably a better way to do this but I will admit I'm actually terrible at trig.
Ok here we go sorry about that
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
CMD:testp(playerid, arg[])
new Float:ox, Float:oy, Float:oz, Float:angle, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, ox, oy, oz);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, angle);
new numframes = 15;
new Float:height = 40;
new Float:distance = 20;
new Float:framedistratio = numframes / distance;
new Float:dist = floatdiv(distance, float(numframes));
printf("%f", dist);
for(new i = 1; i <= numframes; i++)
x = ox + ((dist*i) * floatsin(-angle,degrees));
y = oy + ((dist*i) * floatcos(-angle,degrees));
z = oz + floatmul(floatsin(floatmul(floatdiv(3.14159265359/framedistratio, distance), i)), height);
CreateObject(1974, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
return 1;
pawn Код:
floatmul(floatsin(floatmul(floatdiv(3.14159265359/2, distance), i)), height);
0.500000 1.564344 3.090169 4.539905 5.877852 7.071067 8.090169 8.910065 9.510565 9.876883 10.000000 9.876883 9.510564 8.910064 8.090169 7.071067 5.877851 4.539903 3.090167 1.564344 -0.000000
Okay now that code seems to work you will need to create a frame generator / playback function I will give the function definitions but no code
pawn Код:
frameindex = GenerateFrames(numframes, Float:ox, Float:oy, Float:oz, Float:angle, Float:distance, Float:height)
PlaybackFrames(objectid, frameindex, Float:speed);
forward OnFinishFramePlayback(objectid, frameindex);