19.10.2014, 19:49
You can do this either by account/user id or username.
Fetch the member list and get the neccesary data (account/user id or username) after then run a loop through all online players and check if their account id / username matches, if it does then this member is connected.
Then collect all of that data and run another loop at the end (seperated) which will output all the members and at the end of the format you can use ternary operator (online==1 ? "online" : "offline").
Hope you understood
Fetch the member list and get the neccesary data (account/user id or username) after then run a loop through all online players and check if their account id / username matches, if it does then this member is connected.
Then collect all of that data and run another loop at the end (seperated) which will output all the members and at the end of the format you can use ternary operator (online==1 ? "online" : "offline").
Hope you understood