Doesn't show dialog

Hello, im on server admin, but only admins and vips have admin/VIP code, im admin, but why not show admin code input dialog?

else if(PlayerData[playerid][AdminLevel] == 0)
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "Sveiki(-a), %s atvykę(-usi) į {0080C0}"PAVADINIMAS" {FFFFFF} .", GetPlayersName(playerid));
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SERVER, string);
                    new manoip[20];
                    GetPlayerIp(playerid, manoip, sizeof(manoip));
                    new msg[256];
                    format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{FFFF88}Uћsiregistravote: {FF8C1A}%s\n{FFFF88}Paskutinis prisijungimas: {FF8C1A}%s\n{FFFF88}Paskutinis prisijungimas iљ љio IP: {FF8C1A}%s\n{FFFF88}Jūsų IP: {FF8C1A}%s", PlayerData[playerid][Registered], PlayerData[playerid][LastLogin], PlayerData[playerid][LastIP], manoip);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 25565, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Prisijungėte", msg, "Gerai", "");
                    new textas[128];
                    new ye,mon,dd;
                    new hr,mins,sec;
                    format(textas, sizeof(textas), "%d-%d-%d %d-%d-%d", ye, mon, dd, hr, mins, sec);
                    mysql_format(Mysql_users, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `"ZAIDEJU_LENTELE"` SET LastLogin = '%e', LastIP = '%e' WHERE Fullname= '%e'",textas, manoip, GetPlayersName(playerid));
                    mysql_tquery(Mysql_users, query, "", "");
                    gIsPlayerLoggedIn[playerid] = 1;
                else if(PlayerData[playerid][AdminLevel] == 1 || PlayerData[playerid][AdminLevel] == 2 || PlayerData[playerid][AdminLevel] == 3 || PlayerData[playerid][AdminLevel] == 4)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ADMINAUTH, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Administracijos apsauga", "įveskite administratoriaus kodą, kad galėtumėte tęsti", "Gerai", "Atљaukti");
                else if(PlayerData[playerid][VipLevel] >= 1)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_VIPAUTH, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Administracijos apsauga", "įveskite VIP kodą, kad galėtumėte tęsti", "Gerai", "Atљaukti");

Messages In This Thread
Doesn't show dialog - by TheNerka - 18.10.2014, 16:51
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by 0x41726d79 - 18.10.2014, 16:55
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by TheNerka - 18.10.2014, 16:57
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by TheNerka - 18.10.2014, 17:07
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by austin070 - 18.10.2014, 17:13
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by TheNerka - 18.10.2014, 17:23
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by austin070 - 18.10.2014, 17:41
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by TheNerka - 18.10.2014, 17:49
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by TheNerka - 18.10.2014, 18:07
Re: Doesn't show dialog - by 0x41726d79 - 18.10.2014, 18:49

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