14.10.2014, 18:39
Sure in the future yes, however currantly battery life of the batteries themselves aren't reliable. The more you use it, the quicker your going to need to replace the entire battery. You'd never see one in LeMans as no car without an engine can hold the charge long enough to drive for 24 hours etc. So both actual life and charge life at currantly poor, compared to fuel which is more convenient. Hence hydrids.
On the bright side in the electric cars, you put your foot down and all power is delivered to the wheels instantly you don't need to wait a second for the engine to catch up with you putting your foot down. Having driven an electric car at an event I wouldn't want one... I hate how quite they are I would have to look at the speedo constantly. I however in my current car, just listen to the engine to gauge its speed like most people. This is biased anyway as I'm a classic car guy. Electricity has a future if the batteries improve, else no. I however will stick to my classic cars and kill the planet for aslong as possible. |
I agree with you, the batteries need improvements but I like that electric cars are actually moving forward as you never know how high fuel prices will actually go and for how long we will actually have the resources.
EDIT: Fun fact, I was nearly squished on foot by a electric car going like a bat out of hell on a country lane around a blind bend when I was walking. They can be deadly due to how quite they are.
Here's another photo of Rimac in Beijing:
(It's quite big so I'll just leave a link to it)