Originally Posted by cj101
Originally Posted by lakierka
Thanks.. You really helped me.. But server kicks player only if in his name are more than 2 capital letters. I need that it's would kick player if in his name are less than 2 capital letters. I've tried something like that:
if (count[playerid] <2 || count >3)
if (count[playerid]==3 || count <2)
but pawno shows error..
It's works, but.. You should to do like this:
if (count[playerid]<2 || count[playerid]>3)
But server kicks player when in his name is just 1 capital letter. When in name are no capital letters, player can connect still.. I've tried like this:
if (count[playerid]==0 || count[playerid]==1 || count[playerid]==3)
But player can connect.. I know, I'm going to piss off all of you
but I need help.