Getting gun name of issuerid and playerid OnPlayerTakeDamage

Well okay here it goes.

1.) You need to use player textdraws
2.) You need to check if the issuer is a valid player (ie not fall damage which would be INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
3.) Your setting the textdraw for the issuerid not the playerid

Messages In This Thread
Getting gun name of issuerid and playerid OnPlayerTakeDamage - by GwENiko - 10.10.2014, 18:13
Re: Getting gun name of issuerid and playerid OnPlayerTakeDamage - by GwENiko - 11.10.2014, 04:37
Re: Getting gun name of issuerid and playerid OnPlayerTakeDamage - by Pottus - 11.10.2014, 04:53
Re: Getting gun name of issuerid and playerid OnPlayerTakeDamage - by Threshold - 11.10.2014, 04:55
Re: Getting gun name of issuerid and playerid OnPlayerTakeDamage - by GwENiko - 11.10.2014, 05:38

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