I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk..

It may be a graphic card related issue, how-ever try making sure nametagstatus is "0" in the configuration file. To find the config file just open up your "User Files" directory, - and open the SA-MP folder. Look for a file named "sa-mp.cfg".

Messages In This Thread
I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk.. - by PrOHKM - 05.10.2014, 16:19
Re: I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk.. - by Abagail - 05.10.2014, 18:22
Re: I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk.. - by Flake. - 06.10.2014, 00:26
Re: I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk.. - by TakeiT - 06.10.2014, 02:39
Re: I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk.. - by PrOHKM - 22.10.2014, 16:02
Re: I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk.. - by Crayder - 23.10.2014, 05:15
Re: I can't see afk sign when somebody's afk.. - by JasperM - 23.10.2014, 13:13

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