Editveh for car positioning help needed

Errors are self explanatory.

Like, read them for a second, let me go through them with you.

Error 1:

"error 017: undefined symbol "EditVehiclePos" "

What does it mean? It means you are using a function, symbol (something bassicly) that isn't defined, bassicly the script doesn't know it.
I assume EditVehiclePos is a stock, so create a stock for it.

Error 2:

"warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerEditVehicle") "

There is no public functions called OnPlayerEditVehicle, therefore you need to forward it.
{ forward(OnPlayerEditVehicle); }

Error 3:

"warning 219: local variable "vehicleid" shadows a variable at a preceding level "

A local variable named vehicleid is already created somewhere in the script and you are attempting to create another one, bassicly either you have that variable several times in one place or you have a global variable which is called vehicleid and a variable called vehicleid inside a specifiec code.

Error 4:

"error 017: undefined symbol "idx" "

Going back to error 1, I assume this is a variable so just do, new idx;

Error 5:

"warning 215: expression has no effect "

The code you have inserted doesn't do shit bassicly.

Error 6:

"error 001: expected token: ",", but found "[" "

Bassicly, it expects a comma (,) but it has found [, so add a comma beforehand.

Error 7:

"error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero "

The code you have entered is invalid, try to use a working one, a valid one bassicly.

Error 8:

"warning 215: expression has no effect "

Going back to error 5

Error 9:

"error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]" "

Going back to error 6, same principle.

Error 10:

"fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line "

Bassicly, the code you have in that line has too many errors.

Now, if you understood these fixed you should know how to fix your code.

Messages In This Thread
Editveh for car positioning help needed - by weedxd - 03.10.2014, 10:39
Re: Editveh for car positioning help needed - by Ox1gEN - 03.10.2014, 10:49

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